The Civil Public and Services Union (CPSU) has become the latest union to reject the revised Croke Park deal. 86.7% of members voted overwhelmingly to reject it with 13.3% in favour.
82% of the membership voted in the ballot on Croke Park 2.
Earlier today the Association of Higher Civil and Public Servants (AHCPS) voted to reject the proposed Croke Park 2 agreement. The union voted by 85% to 15% against the deal. Almost 90% of the Association members voted in the ballot.
While members of the Irish Federation of University Teachers have also said no.
On Wednesday the public service committee of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) will meet to consider ratification of Croke Park 2.
'Discrimination against women'
Last week an independent audit of the deal claimed that the proposals discriminate against women and families. It found that the longer hours that form part of the deal will disproportionately and negatively affect women.
It was carried out by independent equality expert Niall Crowley. He says if the deal is implemented, women will be forced out of work.
"What we see I suppose in terms of the proposals in relation to work sharing and in relation to flexible working arrangements, is that they appear to press at a diminution in terms of access to and availability of those arrangements" he said.
"That will hit women disproportionately and could ultimately force women from the public sector" he added.