
Hong Kong leader to meet student protestors

Hong Kong Chief Executive Cy Leung is to meet student protestors. Tens of thousands of pro-democr...

17.48 2 Oct 2014

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Hong Kong leader to meet stude...

Hong Kong leader to meet student protestors


17.48 2 Oct 2014

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Hong Kong Chief Executive Cy Leung is to meet student protestors. Tens of thousands of pro-democracy protesters have been on the streets of Hong Kong since the weekend, when police fired tear gas at the crowd.

Mr Leung told the media he would not be quitting and warned of serious repercussions if protesters followed through with their threat.

"In any place in the world, if there are any protesters that surround, attack, or occupy government buildings like police headquarters, or the chief executive's office ... the consequences are serious," he said.


Mr Leung said his top civil servant, Chief Secretary Carrie Lam, would hold talks with the Hong Kong students' federation to discuss the "constitution".

Protesters in the so-called "umbrella revolution" are railing against plans that will force them to choose their leader from among approved Communist loyalists.

Tensions were high ahead of the last-minute news conference after police had earlier been seen carrying what appeared to be supplies of rubber bullets and riot gear.

Police used tear gas and baton charges when the protests began last weekend.

Demonstrators - most of them students or young people - have taken to carrying umbrellas, and wearing goggles and plastic macs in case of another gas attack.

So far however, the protests clogging the centre of Hong Kong have been overwhelmingly peaceful.

A network of food and drink supply stations has also formed as demonstrators seemingly dig-in for the long haul on the streets of the metropolis.

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