The Public Expenditure Minister says he supports Universal Health Insurance - despite his Department claiming it poses a risk to the financial viability of the State.
Brendan Howlin's also denied there's a personal rift between him and Health Minister James Reilly.
The Department of Public Expendititure and Reform raised concerns that the coalition plan for Universal Health Insurance could add 5 billion euro a year to healthcare costs.
In an assessment of the plan seen by the Irish Times it claimed medical card holders would end up paying about 700 euro a year in drug costs.
And it went on to say that the very financial stability of the state could be jeopardised.
That wasn't denied by Minister Brendan Howlin when he arrived at the Labour Party's national conference:
He denied there's any personal rift with the health minister over this issue.
But a stern letter from health back to PER talked about exaggerated and unsustainable claims and frustration.