The HSE has commissioned an external review into orthopaedic surgery at Children’s Health Ireland (CHI) at Temple Street following a number of “serious spinal surgical incidents”.
It has commissioned expert at the Royal Liverpool Children’s Hospital and Royal Liverpool University to review elements of the surgical service.
In a statement released today, the HSE said the focus of the review will be on the clinical care provided by one consultant.
"In late 2022, senior management in CHI were made aware of patient safety concerns in relation to the treatment of a small number of patients with spina bifida who had spinal surgery at CHI at Temple Street,” it said.
“These concerns related to poor clinical outcomes of some complex spinal surgery, including a high incidence of post-operative complications and infections, and two particularly serious surgical incidents, which occurred in July and September 2022.”
Through two internal reviews, CHI has examined the cases of 19 patients, one of whom has died since, and their families.

CHI Chief Medical Officer Dr Allan Goldman said CHI “deeply regret the impact that the issues identified have had on patients and their families”.
“We welcome the HSE’s external review,” he said.
“CHI staff are committed and motivated to provide safe, effective, patient-centred and efficient care to spina bifida patients to improve clinical outcomes.”
HSE Chief Medical Officer Dr Colm Henry said the review will assess reports already made, including two CHI reviews, and complete a risk assessment “of the relevant areas of orthopaedic surgery in CHI”.
“The review may also make findings and recommendations that apply across all CHI hospitals and to the new children’s hospital and will be published,” he said.