The Health Service Executive (HSE) was running a budget deficit of €399 million at the end of September.
Its latest performance report shows that figure is just €5 million less than the previous month.
However the HSE says September is the first month in which there has been a reduction in the deficit.
It also says there are indications that the cost-cutting measures in place at the Executive are successfully reducing spend rates.
The report claims September is the first month in which there has been a reduction in the deficit reported.
The report says there has been a €5 million reduction in the deficit compared with the previous month.
In the first 9 months of this year the number of people on trolleys was reduced by 23.6% or 16,659 persons over the same period last year.
It also says that 70% of hospitals “fully achieved the target of having nobody waiting for more than 9 months for treatment”.
The number waiting over 9 months has reduced from 5,119 people in January to 415 in September which represents a drop of 91%.
The report says the body had set a target in 2011 of 3.5% absenteeism.
The latest available data shows that absenteeism for the current rolling3-month period up to August 2012 is at 4.7%.
While it also shows that 89.8% of that absenteeism was certified.
The following are some of the hospitals and agencies that had the highest rates of absenteeism above 6% according to the report:
- Lourdes Orthopaedic Hospital
- Cork Dental Hospital
- Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital
- Mid-Western Regional Hospital
- Roscommon County Hospital
- Midland Regional Hospital
- Mid-Western Regional Maternity Hospital
- Sligo Regional Hospital
- St. Luke’s General Hospital
Read the report in full here