
HSE official arrested for alleged fraud

An official from the Health Service Executive (HSE) has been arrested in Cork. They are being hel...

14.12 17 Sep 2012

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HSE official arrested for alle...

HSE official arrested for alleged fraud


14.12 17 Sep 2012

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An official from the Health Service Executive (HSE) has been arrested in Cork.

They are being held for questioning in relation to an alleged fraud at St. Mary’s Hospital at Gurranbraher in Cork.

The man is aged in his 40s.


He was arrested this morning.

The investigation dates back to July when Gardaí acting on information raided St. Mary’s Hospital and seized documents and computers as part of their inquiry.

A leaked report which was prepared for the Health Minister revealed at the time that just 1-in-10 of the HSE financial management team was fully qualified for their role.

It was reported that the 20-page document said the HSE had ‘unrealistic’ plans for cost cuts which could place patients’ lives at risk.

It was prepared by external experts.

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