
HSE to publish Savita report today

The report into the death of Savita Halappanavar will be published by the Health Service Executiv...

06.55 13 Jun 2013

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HSE to publish Savita report t...

HSE to publish Savita report today


06.55 13 Jun 2013

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The report into the death of Savita Halappanavar will be published by the Health Service Executive today.

The 31-year-old died at University College Hospital in Galway in October last year after contracting blood poisoning following a miscarriage.

The clinical review was carried out by a 7 person panel - including 2 medical experts from the UK.


Savita Halappanavar - who was was 17 weeks pregnant - died on the 28th of October 2012 - a week after being admitted to University College Hospital in Galway.

The 31-year-old had suffered a miscarriage and subsequently developed septicaemia.

A verdict of death as a result of medical misadventure was recorded at her inquest in April.

At 2.30 this afternoon the HSE appointed review group's report into the circumstances surrounding the incident will be published in Dublin.

The inquiry team was also tasked with making recommendations.

The Chairman, Professor Sabaratnam Arulkumaran, the Head of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at St. George’s Hospital in London will attend the press conference to answer questions.

Savita's husband Praveen Halappanavar did not participate in the HSE inquiry - his legal representative only received a copy of the report yesterday evening.

Kitty Holland, the journalist who first broke the story for the Irish Times, told Newstalk's Breakfast that Praveen Halappanavar has returned to India and will have had little engagement with the report:

Savita's death prompted nationwide demonstrations:

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