A student (19) who died in a neknomination challenge has been laid to rest amid calls for the craze to end. Hundreds of people attended the requiem mass of Jonny Byrne in Leighlinbridge this afternoon.
The Chief Celebrant is appealing to people to say no and break the cycle if they are faced with the drinking challenge.
St. Lazerian's Church in Leighlinbridge was full to capacity for the funeral mass today.
Jonny Byrne drowned after jumping into the River Barrow
Dozens more stood in the wind and rain to join the chief mourners - his mother Kathleen, father Joe and brother Patrick.
His football and hurling clubmates formed guards of honour.
Jonny Byrne drowned after jumping into the River Barrow last Saturday evening as part of the neknomination drinking game.
Fr. Tom Lalor is appealing to people to say no if they are faced with the social media challenge.
Jonny Byrne was buried in the local cemetery.