
Hundreds protest outside ECOFIN meeting against the property tax

Campaigners against the property tax have gathered outside the ECOFIN meeting at Dublin Castle. O...

13.52 13 Apr 2013

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Hundreds protest outside ECOFI...

Hundreds protest outside ECOFIN meeting against the property tax


13.52 13 Apr 2013

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Campaigners against the property tax have gathered outside the ECOFIN meeting at Dublin Castle.

Organisers of the demonstration say they want to send a clear message to EU Finance Ministers - that austerity is not working and that the property tax is unjust.

Dublin West TD Joe Higgins from the Campaign Against Home and Water Taxes said the property and water taxes will cost households up to 1000 euros a month, and should be reversed.


Demostrators are also holding red cards at today's rally - as a symbol to the Labour Party that it has broken its pre election promises. 

Social MEP for Dublin Paul Murphy says "We're going to show Labour the Red Card because Labour has absolutely betrayed all of the promises they made in the elections, all of the reasons that people voted for them. And it's going to be made clear to them that they will be wiped out in the next General Elections, if they continue with this policy."

These people outline their reasons for taking part in the protest.

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