
Hundreds turn out to protests in support of Natasha O’Brien across country 

“Our justice system lends more weight to the lives and feelings of violent men."
Ellen Kenny
Ellen Kenny

14.42 22 Jun 2024

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Hundreds turn out to protests...

Hundreds turn out to protests in support of Natasha O’Brien across country 

Ellen Kenny
Ellen Kenny

14.42 22 Jun 2024

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Hundreds of people have attended protests this afternoon in support of assault victim Natasha O’Brien across Ireland. 

Protestors in Dublin gathered at the Spire at 1pm before marching to the Department of Justice. 

Ms O’Brien was attacked on O'Connell Street in Limerick on May 29th, 2022 by serving soldier Cathal Crotty – who received a suspended sentence this week. 


Judge Tom O'Donnell said Mr Crotty's actions were "utterly appalling", but said he had "no doubt" if he imposed an immediate jail sentence on Crotty his Army "career is over".  

The Judge imposed a three-year sentence which he suspended in its entirety and ordered Mr Crotty to pay €3,000 compensation to Ms O'Brien. 

Protesters with placards taking place today outside the GPO in Dublin in solidarity with Natasha O'Brien, 22/06/2024. Photo: Sasko Lazarov/© Protesters with placards taking place today outside the GPO in Dublin in solidarity with Natasha O'Brien, 22/06/2024. Photo: Sasko Lazarov/©

Protestors have said the sentence and compensation is not a strong enough punishment for Mr Crotty. 

Feminist socialist group ROSA have demanded Mr O’Donnell is fired and Mr Crotty is removed from the Defence Forces. 

They are also demanding character references cannot be given in ‘gender-based violence cases’ and “a massive overhaul of the misogynistic legal system”. 

ROSA member and former TD Ruth Coppinger said at the protest today survivors of an assault should “at bare minimum, receive justice”. 

“Our justice system lends more weight to the lives and feelings of violent men than their victims,” she said. 

“Questions must be asked about an Army officer giving a character reference in court - the Irish Defence Forces has a history of allegations of violence, misogyny and sexual abuse in its ranks.” 

Ruth Coppinger speaks as Protesters with placards taking place today outside the GPO in Dublin in solidarity with Natasha O'Brien, 22/06/2024. Photo: Sasko Lazarov/© Ruth Coppinger speaks as Protesters with placards taking place today outside the GPO in Dublin in solidarity with Natasha O'Brien, 22/06/2024. Photo: Sasko Lazarov/©

ROSA and Youth Against Racism & Inequality Organiser Myriam Poizat-Marouki said Ms O’Brien, who had reportedly told Mr Crotty to stop saying a homophobic word before he attacked her, was “failed by the justice system”. 

“It’s appalling that on Pride month, Natasha was failed by the justice system, and homophobia and misogyny was enabled,” she said. 

“This appalling decision comes in the same week Women’s Aid reported that it received the highest level of disclosures in its 50-year history. 

“This is increasingly the reality for the LGBTQIA+ community, for women, of people of colour.” 

In Cork, hundreds attended a protest at Grand Parade, where Women of Honour Rosalyn O’Callaghan recalled her experience of sexual assault while overseas. 

There are also protests taking place in Galway and Limerick. 

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Cathal Crotty Dublin Natasha O'Brien Protest Ruth Coppinger

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