
Husband of Dhara Kivlehan wants all recommendations from her inquest implemented

The husband of a woman who died after giving birth at Sligo General Hospital four years ago has a...

11.16 7 Oct 2014

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Husband of Dhara Kivlehan want...

Husband of Dhara Kivlehan wants all recommendations from her inquest implemented


11.16 7 Oct 2014

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The husband of a woman who died after giving birth at Sligo General Hospital four years ago has appealed to the Health Minister Leo Varadkar to ensure that the recommendations from the inquest into her death are implemented in full.

Michael Kivlehan's wife, Dhara, died in Belfast as a result of multi-organ failure nine days after giving birth to their son Dior in 2010.

Last month, an inquest into her death found she died as a result of medical misadventure.


The jury made several recommendations - including prompt follow up on blood test results in all hospitals.

They also recommended a live information database on the availability of ICU beds across the country, mandatory levels of six staff and six beds in ICUs and that all consultants involved in surgical procedures record their presence on theatre charts.

Michael Kivelehan told Today FM it has taken him four years to find out what happened to his wife.

He says its now up to Mr Varadkar to make sure it does not happen again.

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