
IMO urges doctors to reject revised Croke Park Agreement

The President of the Irish Medical Organisation isn't ruling out industrial action - as part of t...

19.08 4 Apr 2013

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IMO urges doctors to reject re...

IMO urges doctors to reject revised Croke Park Agreement


19.08 4 Apr 2013

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The President of the Irish Medical Organisation isn't ruling out industrial action - as part of the doctors union's opposition to Croke Park 2.

An emergency motion calling on doctors to vote NO - was unanimously passed at the IMO annual conference in Killarney in Kerry today.

The organisation is accusing the Government of using threats and bullying tactics to coerce unions into accepting the pay cuts.  President of the IMO Dr Paul McKeown says all options will be considered as part of the IMO's efforts to reject the deal:


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