
IMPACT to accept Haddington Road Agreement

The Executive Committee of IMPACT Trade Union says it will sign-up to the latest public sector pa...

16.22 30 May 2013

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IMPACT to accept Haddington Ro...

IMPACT to accept Haddington Road Agreement


16.22 30 May 2013

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The Executive Committee of IMPACT Trade Union says it will sign-up to the latest public sector pay deal.

The union says it will not be holding a formal ballot on the Haddington Road Agreement because its members supported Croke Park II and there is 'no better alternative'.

IMPACT says the new deal will protect members from what it described as 'draconian cuts' which will come into force in July under the pay and conditions legislation of the government.


It says the Bill will impose these and other measures on public servants "unless they are members of unions that have entered a collective agreement...and registered it with the Labour Relations Commission".

At its meeting today the executive decided that a further ballot was not necessary or appropriate because a national ballot of members in April accepted Croke Park II by a majority of 56%-44%. It also believes that none of the Haddington Road measures erode any of the terms of the Croke Park II package.

An IMPACT spokesperson said the Haddington Road Agreement now existed as the only collective agreement available to its members.

"By signing up to the Haddington Road Agreement, IMPACT is ensuring that its members are protected from far worse cuts to their pay and working conditions. They will also have crucial protections contained in the original Croke Park agreement, including on compulsory redundancies, redeployment limits, outsourcing and many other issues" they said.

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