Many members of the Defence Forces will enjoy a white Christmas overseas. 416 army personnel will have Christmas dinner in 14 different countries across the globe - including Mali, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Ivory Coast and South Sudan.
Members of 4 Platoon, B Company, 42 Infantry Group UNIFIL
The largest troop missions include the 210 personnel serving with the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) and the 119 army officers serving with the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force on the Golan Heights in Syria.
Both missions have been hit with heavy snowfall recently.
Private Stephen ('CHAD') McCabe from Dublin - 'Best wishes to my Mam, Dad, Laura, loved ones and all in the Rugby Club'.
Provisional figures for 2013 indicate the Army completed over 1,800 cash in transit escorts to the start of December 2013, it is estimated that almost every bank note in circulation in the State has been guarded by the Defence Forces at some stage.
2013 figures indicate they have responded to over 249 explosive disposal call outs so far this year, up from 209 in 2012.
Private Stephen Murphy from Co. Meath. He's the newest member of the Unit having arrived through Beiruit
This year's call outs included 80 viable improvised explosive devices (including 9 post blast analyses) , down from 96 in 2012. The teams also dealt with 86 call outs for hazardous material and pyrotechnics which are generally unstable chemicals in laboratories, schools and colleges.
Corporal Keith O'Donoghue serving with 43 Infantry Group, UNDOF
Troops were also heavily involved in ceremonial duties this year - including the Easter Sunday Commemoration Parade at the GPO, the National Famine Commemoration in Kilrush, the Arbour Hill 1916 Leaders Commemoration and at the National Day of Commemoration in the Royal Hospital, Kilmainham.