An Indian teenager from the state of Bihar cut off her uncle's penis after he allegedly tried to rape her for a second time.
The London Independent reports that the woman, who is believed to be 17 or 18, had been previously raped by the man, who is known in the locality as a tantric healer.
Though some reports have claimed that she was raped after her parents brought her to be 'healed' of an illness, local police claim that this in untrue and that the man abused his position as a family member.
She agreed to meet him a second time, only to bring a knife with her and sever his penis when he again attempted to rape her.
The woman brought the issue to her village council, but when they were unable to resolve it, she alerted local police.
Police say they are currently searching for the man, but when asked if charges would be brought against his victim, senior officer AK Singh said: "Why should we file a case against her? We should applaud her bravery and courage."