
INMO to debate industrial action over Croke Park II

The Irish Nurses and Midwives annual delegate conference will today debate an emergency motion se...

12.01 8 May 2013

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INMO to debate industrial acti...

INMO to debate industrial action over Croke Park II


12.01 8 May 2013

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The Irish Nurses and Midwives annual delegate conference will today debate an emergency motion seeking a mandate for industrial action.

The strike will include the withdrawal of labour as part of a public sector wide campaign of action.

The motion comes as the government threatens to cut the pay of nurses, midwives and other public servants since Croke Park II was rejected - INMO members were one of the groups who decided against it.


Nurses and midwives will also discuss other forms of protest action with other unions:

General secretary of the INMO, Liam Doran, said however they would prefer a negotiated settlement, and he's hopeful the LRC intiative will achieve this.

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Conference continues

The INMO's Annual General Meeting in Donegal continues today. 

The theme for the conference is 'Protecting the Frontline'. Over 60 motions are being debated during the 3 days on topics such as:

  • Croke Park issue
  • Mandatory staffing levels
  • Support from the new Nursing & Midwifery Board
  • Review of Midwifery staffing levels and practice
  • Community Nurse staffing shortage
  • Safe working environment
  • Workplace stress

Labour Relations Commission Deadline 

The head of the Labour Relations Commission has been given another week to meet with unions to discuss Croke Park 2.

The Minister for Health Dr. James Reilly will address the INMO conference on Friday.

Debate on remaining motions will continue on Friday afternoon and the conference will conclude with a Gala Dinner on Friday evening.

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