
VIDEO: Ireland holds its 100th citizenship ceremony

More than 2,000 people from 109 different countries are taking part in the 100th citizenship cere...

11.13 23 Jan 2015

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VIDEO: Ireland holds its 100th...

VIDEO: Ireland holds its 100th citizenship ceremony


11.13 23 Jan 2015

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More than 2,000 people from 109 different countries are taking part in the 100th citizenship ceremony today.

Some 59,000 immigrants have gained citizenship and an Irish passport since the ceremonies were first introduced in 2011.

Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald preisded over the events.


She has told those gathered at the Convention Centre in Dublin that Ireland has changed "beyond recognition" from a mono-cultural society to a diverse range of communities.

"These citizenship ceremonies recognise the importance of a person being granted Irish citizenship, and provide the sense of an uplifting occasion and celebration. The ceremonies represent a major positive force in our national immigrant integration efforts and I look forward to their continuing success," she said.

The first citizenship ceremony, which was held in Dublin Castle, was attended by 73 candidates for citizenship and their guests.

Since then citizenship ceremonies have been held in Dublin, Cork, Waterford, Templemore and Tipperary.

Guests were also treated to this singing garda before the ceremony today:

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