
Irish team gears up for 2012 Paralympics

Ireland’s 49 Paralympians are in good shape for the opening of their games in a fortnight. ...

11.19 16 Aug 2012

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Irish team gears up for 2012 P...

Irish team gears up for 2012 Paralympics


11.19 16 Aug 2012

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Ireland’s 49 Paralympians are in good shape for the opening of their games in a fortnight.

They are travelling to Portugal today for their pre-games training game.

They will make their way from there to London on the 24th.


The Games will then open the 29th.

The athletes will compete across 10 sports with a target of 5 medals.

Eimear Breathnach is a Paralympian Table Tennis player who is competing for the second time.

She spoke with Breakfast here on Newstalk.

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