Irish Water is defending its requirement to request PPS numbers for every member of a household - including children.
The body will be sending allowances application forms to every household later this year, which will include a requirement for PPS numbers for each individual as well as bank account details for Direct Debit mandates.
The four-page 'allowances application form' requests personal information including the name and address of the homeowner, that persons PPS number - as well as the PPS numbers of up to six children living at the property.
It will also ask questions about whether the householder is a homeowner or tenant.
Irish Water say they are six months ahead of schedule for installing water meters.
Elizabeth Arnett of Irish Water told Newstalk Lunchtime it is so the allowances can be correctly calculated.
Meanwhile the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner say they are working closely with the utility firm as to what information will be made available.
The Office says their discussions are on-going.
John O'Dwyer, is deputy commissioner with the Data Protection Office.
He told Newstalk Lunchtime the only information they will have access to will be the bare minimum.