
Join our audience for a live discussion on Alcohol in Ireland

Live Broadcast of Newstalk’s Lunchtime show on Alcohol in Ireland ”“ Thursday 20th Septembe...

11.32 18 Sep 2012

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Join our audience for a live d...

Join our audience for a live discussion on Alcohol in Ireland


11.32 18 Sep 2012

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Live Broadcast of Newstalk’s Lunchtime show on Alcohol in Ireland ”“ Thursday 20th September

  • What do we as adults teach our children about alcohol?
  • Why do we tolerate drunken behavior on our towns’ streets every Saturday night?
  • Is it a uniquely “Irish” attitude?
  • What can we do to reduce the amount of alcohol abuse in Ireland?

Newstalk have a special broadcast of their Lunchtime show on style="text-decoration: underline;">Thursday 20 style="font-size: 11px;">th September from 12pm to 1.30pm.

Presenter Jonathan Healy will broadcast live from style="text-decoration: underline;">The Science Gallery in Pearse Street, Dublin where he’ll get the nation talking about the alcohol issues facing Ireland today.

A panel of speakers will be discussing the problems that Ireland has with alcohol addiction and abuse – addiction counsellors, former alcoholics, representatives from the Vintner’s Federation and the Off Licence Trade, a member of Alcohol Action Ireland and others will all take part.

We would like to invite you to take part in this discussion and join our live audience.

If you’d like to join us please email Aisling Moore at href="">

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