
Justice Minister: Healy-Rae proposals 'grossly irresponsible'

The Justice Minister has rejected proposals from Kerry County Council to bring in limited drink-d...

13.09 24 Jan 2013

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Justice Minister: Healy-Rae pr...

Justice Minister: Healy-Rae proposals 'grossly irresponsible'


13.09 24 Jan 2013

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The Justice Minister has rejected proposals from Kerry County Council to bring in limited drink-driving in rural areas.

Alan Shatter was speaking at a meeting of European Traffic Police where he said that anyone in public life should not be promoting such a proposal.

Alan Shatter says there is no question of the government allowing people over the legal blood alcohol limits to drive.


His comments come after Kerry County Council passed a motion this week in favour of drink driving permits.

Councillor defends propsals

The motion by Danny Healy-Rae was passed at a meeting on Monday by a margin of 5 votes to 3.

The rest of the councillors were either absent or abstained.

He says permit holders would have to keep their speed down and stick to infrequently used roads.

Mr. Healy-Rae is a publican himself and believes people in rural areas should be "treated differently to the other general public that have...more means of transport than these have".

However Minister Shatter says to do so would be 'grossly irresponsible'.

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