
Kenny to join world leaders and wealthy business elite

Mr Kenny says he'll be using the visit as an opportunity to set out Ireland's priorities for the ...

07.24 24 Jan 2013

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Kenny to join world leaders an...

Kenny to join world leaders and wealthy business elite


07.24 24 Jan 2013

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Mr Kenny says he'll be using the visit as an opportunity to set out Ireland's priorities for the EU presidency, and to sell Ireland as a destination for inward investment.

Enda Kenny was criticised last year for comments he made in Davos suggesting Irish people went mad borrowing during the boom, in a system that spawned greed, went out of control and crashed.

He was hammered by the opposition for those comments, and is sure to be more careful with his words this year as he seeks to outline Irelands plans for the EU presidency, and aims to promote Ireland as a destination for business investment.


He'll address a session on the Eurozone crisis with Italy's Prime Minister Mario Monti and the Dutch and Danish Prime Ministers.

The Taoiseach will also meet with the owners of major multinational firms on the margins of the forum, in the hope of attracting investors into Ireland.


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