King Mswati III of Swaziland has chosen an 18-year-old beauty pageant contestant as his 14th wife. The 45-year-old king is the last absolute monarch in sub-Saharan Africa.
The King has come under fire for his lavish lifestyle while the 1.2 million people in his kingdom struggle to make a living. The wedding only takes place once the fiancée gets pregnant.
Mswati reportedly has a personal fortune of around €152 million and the United Nations estimates that 70% of his population live below the poverty line. He has been in power since his 18 birthday in 1986.
Swaziland is located on the south-eastern coast of Africa
The new engagement was announced ahead of parliamentary elections on Friday. The private life of the monarch is off-limits in local media, but has drawn a lot of international interest.
Reports say three wives left the household in recent years. The latest, Queen LaGija, fled the palace in 2012 claiming years of physical and emotional abuse.
Another queen, LaDube, was reportedly abused after she was caught in bed with the Justice Minister who is reportedly a close friend of the King. It is believed Mswati kidnapped and married the queen when she was 16.