Landlords must take more responsibility for the mess their tenants are leaving in Dublin’s north inner city, Shane Coleman has claimed.
Earlier this week, Dublin City Council’s head of waste management Barry Woods complained that some residents in the area have “no sense of pride for their community” and litter on a daily basis.
He singled out in particular tenants in “multi-let” properties and suggested that their landlords should be held responsible for their actions.
Shane, who lives in the north inner city, hit out at the “absolutely disgusting” people who litter and said he has been left “blue in the face” from contacting the DCC.
“There is absolutely no doubt the big problem areas are areas where there is multi-let rental accommodation,” he told Newstalk Breakfast listeners.
“If you look at any street in the north inner city where there’s mainly rental accommodation, you will see more [mess].
“I do agree for that reason with what Barry Woods also said about making landlords responsible for their tenants’ waste collection.”

Shane added that far too many landlords turn a “blind eye” to their tenants’ bad behaviour.
“You can see outside a lot of these multi-let accommodation, there’s bins overflowing, there’s never any attempt to hide the bins,” he said.
“I think there’s a lack of responsibility.”
Co-presenter Ciara said the only person to blame for litter is the person who dumps it.
“I think there are bins provided in apartment blocks and things like that,” she said.
“I think if people choose to produce waste in excess of what goes in the bin or just dump it elsewhere, it must be really hard to do that.
“Can we not just say that [leaves] it on the ground is responsible?”
Main image: Shane Coleman and litter in Dublin. Pictures by: Newstalk and