
Less than half of Irish households plan to pay the water charge

Around one third of people say they will refuse to pay the water charge. The Irish Times has carr...

06.56 5 Dec 2014

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Less than half of Irish househ...

Less than half of Irish households plan to pay the water charge


06.56 5 Dec 2014

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Around one third of people say they will refuse to pay the water charge. The Irish Times has carried out an Ipsos MRBI poll on Irish voters, which found that less than half would pay it.

When asked if they would pay the charge, 48% said yes and 33% said no - with 11% undecided and 8% saying the issue did not apply to them.

Wealthier voters are likely to pay the charge, with opposition to it coming from the lower end of the social scale.


The poll also shows that a government decision to cap the charges appears to have encouraged some, who did not previously intend to pay, to change their minds.

The survey took place on Monday and Tuesday this week among a representative sample of 1,200 voters aged 18 and over.

Older people are more likely to pay the water charge, with the oldest category of the over-65s the most compliant.

Those at the other end of the age spectrum are least likely to pay.

When voters were asked whether they thought the recent protest against Tanaiste Joan Burton in Jobstown, Tallaght was peaceful or not, a majority said it was not.

Just 24% said the protest was peaceful, while 60% said that it was not. Some 11% had no opinion on it, and 5% were unaware of the protest.

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