A new COVID-19 Advisory Group is being set up by Government to replace NPHET.
The outgoing Chief Medical Officer Dr Tony Holohan will chair the group.
Luke O'Neill will also be in the group in his role as professor of biochemistry and immunology.
Dr Ronan Glynn, Dr Colm Henry and Prof Philip Nolan are among others in the group.
They will advise the Health Minister and Government on ways to maximise Ireland’s medium to long-term preparedness against the coronavirus.
As part of its remit, the panel will note the evolving epidemiological assessment of COVID-19, monitor new and emerging evidence for detection and control of the virus, and advise the Government on experiences in other countries where there are implications for Ireland.
It will also advise on medium and long-term responses to COVID-19.
![Full membership of the new COVID-19 Advisory Group.](https://media.radiocms.net/uploads/2022/04/08210555/COVID-group.jpg)
The Department of Health says this new phase of Ireland’s response to the pandemic "requires an approach that is informed by national and international evidence, grounded in best public health practice, with a broad, multidisciplinary membership".
Health Minister Stephen Donnelly says: "Our hospitalisations are falling at present, which is reassuring.
"However, COVID-19 remains a threat and there is no way to know for sure what lies ahead.
"We need to be prepared. The COVID Advisory Group will make best use of national expertise, international data and evidence."