
[Lunchtime Bite] Community in shock after death of young boy

Gardai in Cork are investigating all of the circumstances around the death of an 8-year-old boy i...

12.44 3 Sep 2012

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[Lunchtime Bite] Community in...

[Lunchtime Bite] Community in shock after death of young boy


12.44 3 Sep 2012

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Gardai in Cork are investigating all of the circumstances around the death of an 8-year-old boy in Charleville this morning.

It is understood the boy’s body was found in bed this morning at a house on Harrison Place at around 9:30am this morning.

The child’s mother who is in her her early 40s has been taken to Cork University Hospital.


The area has been sealed off for a full technical examination and Gardai are awaiting the arrival of the State Pathologist.

Garda sources have indicated the incident could be upgraded to a full murder inquiry.

Charleville Parish Priest Father Sean Cotter spent time with the family this morning.

“I have been out praying with the family, and I know that the family is in shock and all the neighbours and so on are supporting the family at the moment with their prayers” he said.

“They all find it difficult to cope with the circumstances; on a Monday morning when children should be going to school really that unfortunetly one of our young people has died” he added.

Aine Collins is Fine Gael TD for Cork North-West.

She says the families of the boys’ parents are well known in Charleville and the community is reeling from the news:

“It is just absolutely tragic” she said.

“Those families – the two families -  would be very well-known in Charleville, very respected”.

“I believe this was announced at 9:30 this morning”.

“I mean this little boy should be starting school this morning; the national schools are opening in Charleville as well this morning”.

“So it’s absolutely a tragedy and the community are completely devastated” she added.

Fianna Fáil is to table a motion of no-confidence in Health Minister when the Dail resumes later this month.

The party health spokesperon Billy Kelleher says James Reilly has to go for the sake of the health system.

It follows confirmation last week that the Health Service Executive (HSE) plans to cut costs in the sector by some €130 million.

Sinn Fein has also announced this lunchtime that it too will be tabling a motion of no confidence in Minister Reilly.

Separately an Ennis Labour Councillor has tendered his resignation to party officials in protest at what he describes as ‘the savage health care cuts set to be imposed by government’.

Paul O’Shea says he has been left with little choice but to quit the coalition party.

He says he will only reconsider his position if the cost-saving measures are reversed by government.

The cuts have already created a divide among the government parties with two Labour TDs yesterday voicing their anger over the proposals.

Deputy Kelleher says James Reilly should have focused his attention on slashing the price of generic drugs and consultant pay and not curbing frontline services.

“Well he’s absolutely missed the point that he could have made savings – as we announced in the budget last year – if he actually went about it” he said.

“But he failed to do anything in that regard; he has been undermining the HSE, and now he’s blaming the HSE for these cutbacks”.

“So quite clearly what I’m saying is the Minister is not in charge, and he is acting irresponsibly and he’s undermining the very fabric of our health services at the present time” he added.

18 people have been killed after a Syrian warplane bombed a building in the Northern rebel-held town of Al-Bab in Aleppo province.

Activists say there are still people stuck in the rubble but nobody can go and help them because the aerial attacks have are continuing this afternoon

Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says more than 26-thousand people have died in Syria since March last year.

Former News International chief executive Rebekah Brooks has appeared in court in the UK to face phone hacking charges.

The 44-year-old has been released on bail by Magistrates.

She will next appear before Southwark Crown Court later this month.

She will be there alongside 6 other former members of staff from the News of the World and private investigator Glen Mulcaire.

The drinks industry is calling on the government not to raise excise duties on Budget Day.

DIGI says pub sales have fallen by 34% since pre-recession levels.

It is hoping for a status quo on excise for their industry.

Newstalk’s Jack Quann has more.

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