
Majority more fearful of intruders entering their homes

The majority of people living in this country are currently more fearful of an intruder entering ...

15.04 27 Jan 2013

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Majority more fearful of intru...

Majority more fearful of intruders entering their homes


15.04 27 Jan 2013

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The majority of people living in this country are currently more fearful of an intruder entering their home than they were this time last year.

That's according to a new survey by AA Home Insurance.

The online poll of just over 9-thousand people shows that 75 percent are more worried of being burgled now that they were twelve months ago. 


76 percent expressed heightened concerns that a friend or family member could be targeted.

The installation of exterior security lights, timers on internal lights and alarms are the most popular method of deterring burglers.

However, 17 percent of people polled said they have or are planning to hide a weapon in their home as a means of self defence.

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