
Gardaí launch murder investigation following discovery of man’s body in Dublin

Gardaí investigating the murder of man in Dublin have arrested a man in his 30s and a woman age...

21.09 8 Sep 2012

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Gardaí launch murder investiga...

Gardaí launch murder investigation following discovery of man’s body in Dublin


21.09 8 Sep 2012

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Gardaí investigating the murder of man in Dublin have arrested a man in his 30s and a woman aged in her 40s.

They were detained after officers at the Bridewell Garda Station discovered the body of a man at an apartment on Prussia Street in Stoneybatter earlier this evening.

A post mortem examination is expected to be carried out on the body tomorrow – to established the exact cause of the man’s death – but Gardaí have launched a murder enquiry.


The man and woman arrested in connection with this investigation are being questioned at the Bridewell Garda Station, under Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act and can be held for up to 24 hours.

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