The Mater Hospital in Dublin says it will comply with the Protection of Life during Pregnancy Act.
In a statement released this afternoon the hospital says its priority is to be at the frontier of compassion, concern and clinical care for all its patients.
"Having regard to that duty the Hospital will comply with the law as provided for in the act" it said.
Last month a member of the board of governors of the hospital, Fr. Kevin Doran, told The Irish Times that it could not comply with the Act.
Fr. Doran said "The Mater can't carry out abortions because it goes against its ethos".
"I would be very concerned that the (Health) Minister sees fit to make it impossible for hospitals to have their own ethos. The issue is broader than just abortion. What's happening is the Minister is saying hospitals are not entitled to have an ethos" he added.
The Mater is one of 25 "appropriate institutions" named in the Act where abortions may be carried out to save the life of a pregnant woman.
A spokesman for the hospital said the decision to comply with the law came after a period of studying the legislation.