
McEntee offers condolences to family of ‘horrific’ dog attack victim

“A Garda investigation is underway and it’s important we establish the facts on what happened."
Robert Kindregan
Robert Kindregan

09.57 5 Jun 2024

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McEntee offers condolences to...

McEntee offers condolences to family of ‘horrific’ dog attack victim

Robert Kindregan
Robert Kindregan

09.57 5 Jun 2024

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Justice Minister Helen McEntee has offered her condolences to the family of a woman who died after a “horrific” dog attack in Limerick yesterday.

Gardaí were alerted to the attack, which took place at a residence in Ballyneety, at around 11.40pm last night.

When emergency services arrived, a 23-year-old woman was pronounced dead on the scene and her body was transported to University Hospital Limerick.


Gardaí say the dog behind the attack “has now been destroyed” and other dogs at the residence have also been seized.

Dog attack investigation

Minister McEntee said the investigation must be allowed to run its course.

“I want to acknowledge this is a really horrific incident and offer my condolences to the woman’s family,” she said.

“We have to make sure we allow the investigation, without pre-judging what’s happened here, to take its course.

“We also need to make sure that if there are breeds of animals here that people shouldn’t have, are not safe, or pose a threat that that’s made clear.”

McEntee offers condolences to family of ‘horrific’ dog attack victim University Hospital Limerick, 29-7-23. Image: Karlis D / Alamy

Social Protection Minister Heather Humphreys also paid tribute to the dog attack victim’s family.

“I want to begin by expressing my deepest sympathies to her family in what is a deeply shocking incident," she said.

“A Garda investigation is underway and it’s important we establish the facts on what happened.

“I have consistently said that more action is required in relation to dog control.

“That’s why I have set up a cross-Governmental stakeholder group, chaired by the retired Deputy Garda Commissioner John Twomey, to examine this whole area.”

Restricted breeds list

Minister Humphreys said necessary actions must be taken.

“I have asked the Group to examine the restricted breeds list, in line with actions being taken in the UK and Northern Ireland,” she said.

“I am committed to working with colleagues across Government in taking whatever action is necessary to strengthen our dog control laws.”

There are 11 breeds on Ireland's restricted dogs list, including the Rottweiler and Dobermann.

Main image: Justice Minister Helen McEntee in the courtyard at Government Buildings, 14-12-23. Image: Sam Boal / ©

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Ballyneety Dog Attack Emergency Services Gardai Heather Humphreys Link In Bio University Hospital Limerick

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