While few would deny that humans are overwhelmingly responsible for climate change, cattle have their share of the blame too.
Methane gas produced from cows currently forms a sizeable percentage of pollutants released into the atmosphere, but Argentinian researchers have devised a way to produce green energy from these bovine emissions.
Argentina's National Agricultural Technology Institute has developed new 'backpacks,' which capture methane in a plastic bag attached to the cow's back. The bag is attached to the the animals insides and collects the methane as it builds up.
Once purified and compressed, the methane bio fuel can be used for heating, lighting, or even powering a car. Ricardo Bualo, a technician working on the project, gives an idea of the power generated:
"A cow emits about 300 litres of methane per day, which can be used to operate a fridge capacity of 100 litres at a temperature of between two and six degrees for a full day."
Will the world be partially running on cow farts in years to come? With the invention of the 'methane backpack,' it's certainly looking like a possibility!