
Midlands Regional Hospital apologises for death of 8-year-old

The Midlands Regional Hospital in Portlaoise has apologised to the family of an 8-year-old Brazil...

13.30 8 May 2013

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Midlands Regional Hospital apo...

Midlands Regional Hospital apologises for death of 8-year-old


13.30 8 May 2013

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The Midlands Regional Hospital in Portlaoise has apologised to the family of an 8-year-old Brazilian boy who tragically died from an infection 18 hours after he was discharged. The parents of Richard de Souza living in Athy, Co. Kildare are to receive €160,000 for their son's death.

The court heard he was brought to A&E by his parents on a Sunday afternoon with chickenpox and a swelling under his left arm.

He had a high temperature, pulse and heart rate. He was prescribed an antibiotic and sent home where he died the following morning from toxic shock syndrome as a result of a streptococcal infection.


His father Ralmon was almost hysterical and had to be hospitalised leaving his pregnant wife Flavia to attend their son's funeral alone. Today they have settled a €160,000 claim against the Health Service Executive (HSE) for wrongful death and nervous shock.

It is the case of the de Souza's that Richard would still be alive had he been admitted to Portlaoise Hospital and treated with powerful intravenous antibiotics.

The Midland Regional Hospital has apologised for their tragic loss. The family solicitor Ann Nolan spoke outside court of the pain they have endured.

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Pictured above are Flavia and Ralmon de Souza

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