
Mixed signals from FG, as protestors disrupt think-in

The Chairman of the Fine Gael party has called for elements of the Croke Park deal to be renegoti...

14.13 10 Sep 2012

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Mixed signals from FG, as prot...

Mixed signals from FG, as protestors disrupt think-in


14.13 10 Sep 2012

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The Chairman of the Fine Gael party has called for elements of the Croke Park deal to be renegotiated in a bid to save money.

Deputy Charlie Flanagan said all sides should sit down together to discuss the payment of increments which are not part of core pay.


But the comments put him at odds with the Tánaiste Eamon Gilmore who says the deal should remain as-is until 2014.

The employers group IBEC has also called today for the deal to be re-opened.

Speaking at the Fine Gael think in in Co. Mayo Deputy Flanagan says some aspects of the Croke Park Agreement  such as increments paid to public servants needs to be re-examined.

Meanwhile a handful of protestors have managed to breach security and enter the Mayo hotel where the Fine Gael Parliamentary Party is meeting.

The Shell-to-Sea Protestors walked in the doors of the Knockranny House Hotel in Westport just after noon today.

They were removed outside within minutes by Gardaí.

The Taoiseach Enda Kenny was also heckled and called ‘traitor’ by protestors as he entered the building.

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