
More Deputies add voices calling for Reilly explanation

Fianna Fáil is calling on the Health Minister to make a statement outlining the decision-makin...

10.28 24 Sep 2012

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More Deputies add voices calli...

More Deputies add voices calling for Reilly explanation


10.28 24 Sep 2012

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Fianna Fáil is calling on the Health Minister to make a statement outlining the decision-making process behind his move to locate two primary health care centres in his own constituency.

Last week Dr. James Reilly was questioned by his own Junior Minister Roisín Shortall as to why he added these two care centres to a list which had already been drawn up.


Minister Shortall said last week that she did not know why the Minister had added Swords and Balbriggan to the priority list for building new primary care centres.

She has also refused to say that she has confidence in the Minister despite being pushed on the issue by journalists.

Minister Shortall said that it was up to Minister Reilly to explain why the extra centres were added.

“I engaged in a process with the HSE and the Department to identify the centres and the locations that we thought should have priority ”“ then obviously there were additional locations added to that list” she said.

“I don’t want to comment any further on that”.

When asked why the 2 extra centres were added, Minister Shorthall replied “That’s not really a question for me, it’s a question for Minister Reilly”.

“I don’t know why ”“ I’ve made that clear”.

“A list went out from my office and any question in relation to a more extensive list really should be directed to Minister Reilly” she added.

And last night the Transport Minister Leo Varadkar added his voice to the debate saying the decision by Minister Reilly ”does look like stroke politics.”

Fianna Fáil Health Spokesperson is Billy Kellagher.

He says Minister Reilly must come clean as to why he changed the list of primary care centres at the last minute.

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