Just over 61,700 students are receiving their Leaving Certificate results today.
They will be available online from 10am from the State Examinations Commission (SEC).
Education Minister Norma Foley has thanked all those involved.
"I would like to extend the heartiest of congratulations to each and every one of the over 60,000 students across Ireland receiving their results today," she said.
"Today brings enormous reward and recognition for all your hard work and dedication over the past number of years, including through challenging times.
"To all of you receiving results today, I wish you every success and happiness as you embark on the next stage in your life.
"Whether the next step on your journey will take you to work, an apprenticeship, further or higher education, or other possibilities, I hope you can enjoy today and reflect on all that you have achieved so far to bring you to this point," she added.
Minister Foley also paid tribute to the teachers, principals, school communities, parents and guardians for their work in supporting students throughout their journey.
Schools have been asked to provide support to students by allowing them to come to the school if they wish to at a scheduled time and meet with guidance counsellors, year heads, tutors and chaplains.
The National Parents and Students Leaving Cert Helpline can be contacted on 1800-265-165 from 10am to 6pm between Friday August 25th until Saturday September 2nd.
The State Examinations Commission Candidate Helpline is also available for queries relating to its Self Service Portal, on 1800-111-135 or 1800-111-136, from 9am to 5pm.
Outside of these hours queries can be emailed to candidateportal@examinations.ie
A range of wellbeing resources are also available online
Points race
First round CAO offers will be out next Wednesday, amid suggestions that more students who get top points may not get the college course they want.
Guidance counsellor Brian Mooney told The Pat Kenny Show grade inflation is likely to play a role again this year.
He said the grade increase across the years of COVID-19 has averaged out at relatively low numbers, but that is higher when it's broken down.
"If you look at the actual increase in grades, specifically higher level from say a H5 upwards... I reckon the increase was in the region of 15% to 20% over those three to four years," he said.
"The numbers getting 625 points notionally were about 200 or 300 - they've gone to about 1,300 people.
"The number getting over 600 points used to be around 1,200 in total; I think that's gone to around 3,500.
"It's like a ping pong ball in water going up and up: if you get to the top, there's nowhere to go.
"You have all of these students clustering at the top, so how do you differentiate between the bright and really bright when you're looking for places in really high point courses?"

Mr Mooney said people have missed out on places in more courses.
"In the last two or three years we've had four of five courses where we've had people on 625 points who did not get a place, where we went to random selection," he said.
"It's only a handful of courses, but to tell somebody that you're not going to get a place - even though you're over 600 - is pretty daft," he added.
Further Education Minister Simon Harris has said there are many pathways into a career that don't necessarily include the CAO.
"There are so many opportunities to succeed, there are so many opportunities to get to where you want to get to in life," he said.
"That might be going directly to university, it might also be an apprenticeship, a traineeship, a post-Leaving Cert course, the new degree courses that we now have available outside the CAO.
"So when you get those results, do take the time to talk to teachers, talk to guidance counsellors, talk to parents - and access a number of the helplines if needed," he added.