
More women accessing sex worker support

Ruhama has reported an annual increase of 18% of women accessing their services. The organisatio...

13.40 22 Aug 2012

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More women accessing sex worke...

More women accessing sex worker support


13.40 22 Aug 2012

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Ruhama has reported an annual increase of 18% of women accessing their services.

The organisation supports sex workers.

It worked with 241 women in 2011 including 91 women who were trafficked here for sexual exploitation.


The body assisted 91 suspected victims of sex trafficking in 2011 of which 22 of these were new cases.

Ruhama is part of a coalition of groups which is campaigning to make the purchase of sex illegal thereby criminialising the customer rather than the prostitute.

Valerie Judge is Chairperson of Ruhama.

“While each woman has an individual story and unique experience of prostitution; the harm and violence inherent in the sex trade remains consistent in all their stories, irrespective of whether they were involved in street-based or indoor prostitution” she said.

Sarah Benson is CEO of Ruhama.

She says trafficking and prostitution go hand-in-hand.

Read the full report href="">here

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