A new campaign is aiming to make County Westmeath tobacco free.
The 'Not Around Us' campaign is being launched by Westmeath County Council as part of a collaboration with Healthy Ireland and Slaintecare Healthy Communities.
Figures from the Department of Health Tobacco Free Ireland Report have found smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in Ireland.

Sláintecaire Healthy Communities Development Officer Brigid Geoghen said they are asking people to consider where they are smoking.
“So what we're asking is that people consider where they're smoking to discourage this in areas which are owned and managed by West County Council, where children and young people congregate,” she said.
“It's about promoting an environment where it's easier for those who smoke or vape to quit and to stay [off cigarettes and vapes] and to help us to [not to] normalise smoking for the next generation.”

Ms Geoghen said young people feel strongly about the issue.
“Young people have a very strong view on vaping and smoking in general and they think that they should be entitled to and be able to be in an environment free of smoke,” she said.
“[This is] on the basis that young people should grow up not thinking that smoking is is something that's cool, because it's not.”
Ms Geogen said the more places where people don't smoke, “the better it is”.
An anti-smoking banner in Hong Kong introduced as part of a series of measures in 2007. Image: Kees Metselaar / Alamy Stock Photo