
New centre for asylum seekers set for Co Leitrim

A new centre for asylum seekers is expected to open in Co Leitrim in the next few weeks, accordin...
Jack Quann
Jack Quann

08.21 16 Oct 2019

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New centre for asylum seekers...

New centre for asylum seekers set for Co Leitrim

Jack Quann
Jack Quann

08.21 16 Oct 2019

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A new centre for asylum seekers is expected to open in Co Leitrim in the next few weeks, according to a Sinn Féin TD.

It will see 20 apartments made available to families in Ballinamore.

In a statement, the Department of Justice confirmed it is working to secure new accommodation.


However it has not confirmed the locations.

It also says the number of asylum seekers coming to Ireland has risen by 53% to date this year.

It adds that because of a shortage of places in accommodation centres, there are now almost 1,400 people in emergency accommodation in hotels and guesthouses.

The department says it is running "a number of procurement processes" to find additional accommodation to meet this demand.

"The search for accommodation is nationwide and the department is in discussions with a number of providers in relation to premises.

"Until these commercially sensitive discussions are complete, it is not possible for the department to confirm any specific locations or premises."

But Sligo-Leitrim TD Martin Kenny says he welcomes the development.

"This is an old development that was done about 10 years ago - it was unfinished apartments - now they've been finished and completed.

"They're own-door accommodation, there's about 20 of them to my knowledge.

"Personally, I welcome it - I know we've had asylum seekers in the town before.

"A number of years ago they were in an old hotel there, and it was a very positive experience for everyone involved, there was never any problems.

"It worked out very well, and some of the people who got asylum actually stayed on and live in the community now."

"So it's an area that has had a positive experience from the past, and we expect this to be a positive experience as well.

"I welcome the investment and I welcome anything that can improve the lives of the people in the general Ballinamore area, and I think this will do that".

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Accommodation Centres Asylum Seekers Ballinamore Co Leitrim Department Of Justice Martin Kenny Sinn Fein

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