
New immigration Bill to be debated in US Senate

A new law which could provide a path to citizenship for up to 50,000 undocumented Irish in Americ...

16.31 12 Jun 2013

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New immigration Bill to be deb...

New immigration Bill to be debated in US Senate


16.31 12 Jun 2013

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A new law which could provide a path to citizenship for up to 50,000 undocumented Irish in America is to be debated in the US Senate. The proposed legislation is making steady progress through Capitol Hill in Washington.

There are two parts to what is being sought under the Bill. The first is to give legal status to the many Irish people who are in the US illegally since before the 31st of December 2011.

In addition to this it will for the first time since 1965 open the way for up to 10,000 Irish people annually to secure a visa to legally work in the US.


The Senate voted to pass the Bill by 82 votes to 15. Opponents of the Bill offered amendments to significantly change or possibly kill the measure if adopted.

US Presdient Barack Obama won re-election last year and has made immigration reform a top priority of his second term.

The Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform (ILIR) says this was "a procedural vote to begin debate and is another huge step forward on the path to comprehensive immigration reform".

It was set up in December 2005 and has held several immigration rallies throughout the US as well as lobby days in Congress to lobby for undocumented Irish workers.

Chairman of group is Ciaran Staunton. The Mayo native, who is based in New York, has been speaking to Midwest Radio.

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