
No extension for non-use of motor vehicle submissions

The Environment Minister says the deadline for submitting non-use of motor vehicle forms will not...

17.25 27 Sep 2013

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No extension for non-use of mo...

No extension for non-use of motor vehicle submissions


17.25 27 Sep 2013

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The Environment Minister says the deadline for submitting non-use of motor vehicle forms will not be extended. Motorists have until the close of business on Monday to notify their local tax office if their vehicle has been off the road and untaxed.

There were lengthy queues outside many tax offices around the country today as people tried to submit forms.

New arrangements will apply from Tuesday next October 1st in cases where a vehicle has been untaxed and off the road.


In future motorists will have to inform their local motor tax office in advance - and not retrospectively - if their vehicle will not be in use for a time as part of a clampdown on tax evasion which is estimated at €55 million per year.

A 3-month transition period, during which arrears could be paid or a declaration of non use made, ends at close of business on Monday.

The Environment Minister Phil Hogan says he is aware of last minute activity but he says the deadline will not be extended.

However postal applications postmarked on or before September 30th will be regarded as having been received by the deadline.

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