
No household charge details until Budget Day, says Hogan

The Minister for the Environment has said no decision will be made on a property tax before the B...

15.46 10 Sep 2012

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No household charge details un...

No household charge details until Budget Day, says Hogan


15.46 10 Sep 2012

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The Minister for the Environment has said no decision will be made on a property tax before the Budget.

Phil Hogan made the comments amid reports that a bailout review by the Troika will urge for faster progress on the new tax.

That report will be released later today.


It was reported at the weekend that the Taoiseach Enda Kenny had told the Cabinet that he wants the details of the new tax announced well in advance of December and that the charge could be as much as €400 per house.

But today Minister Hogan refused to be drawn on the amount to be paid and on whether or not the tax will be based on the value of the house or the site.

Speaking at the Tidy Town Awards for 2012 in Dublin he said all will be revealed on Budget Day.

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