The Junior Minister believes he should have recused himself from the meeting in hindsight.
Minister for State Niall Collins TD said he should not be held accountable for "personal matters" before the Dáil.
The Minister has come under fire recently regarding the sale of council property to Mr Collins' wife.
In January 2007, a Bruff Local Electoral Area council meeting agreed to begin the process of selling council property which Mr Collins attended in his role as a councillor for Limerick at the time.
The decision was made after interest in buying the site was expressed by private citizens, including Mr Collins’ wife.
Mr Collins previously confirmed he knew of his wife’s interest in the property, but said he did not break the law by attending the local area meeting.

Speaking to the press today, he said it might have been better had he not attended the meeting.
“With the benefit of hindsight and given the perception that has now arisen with some, it would have been better had I recused myself in the meeting,” he said.
He said he should not be held accountable to the Dáil for his personal housing history.
“I don't think any member of Dáil Eireann has to be accountable for their personal life, or certainly events that occurred before they became members of the Dáil,” he said.
“That's not what the Dáil is about. The Dáil is a legislative forum, it’s a parliament. It's about holding Government to account.”