The Finance Minister has accused Fianna Fáil of engaging in “bluff” by pretending there is a painless way of raising tax by abandoning the property tax.
Michael Noonan says the commitment in the Troika deal to introduce a property tax next year stands and the details will be worked out before Budget Day.
Michael McGrath of Fianna Fáil says there are alternatives that could be put in place to raise the revenue needed.
He said Fianna Fail would publish its alternative budget plan next month.
The party said last month it would oppose the property tax being put forward by the coalition because it cannot possibly raise €500 million.
Party leader Michael Martin said fairness must be returned to the centre of the budget process and that his party will oppose plans for a value-based property tax in December.
But Minister Michael Noonan said the property tax will be fixed on Budget Day.
He says he is welcome to hearing alternatives.
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