The North's First Minister Peter Robinson says Martin McGuinness has a "visceral hatred of the Orange Institution" and is in "political denial".
It's after Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness' comments in a TV interview with the BBC that the Orange Order, the UVF, and the PUP were acting as "one and the same thing."
But Mr. Robinson says his ministerial colleague speaks as if he were 'dictator' of the peace process.
The Orange Order says it takes its own decisions, and described Sinn Féin as "masters of propaganda".
Spokesman Mervyn Gibson denies any link with paramilitaries:
In a statement this morning, Mr. Robinson said Mr. McGuinness's comments were 'unhelpful and irrational'.
The comments came after parties involved in talks on outstanding issues in the Northern peace progress failed to reach agreement.
Mr. Robinson insists the Orange Order did not attempt to impose its will on the Haass talks, after the DUP invited a representative to participate.
Meanwhile, the US President and the British Prime MInister have paid tribute to the efforts of Dr Richard Haass in trying to reach agreement on contentious issues in the North.
Barack Obama and David Cameron say ultimately, responsibility for finding a resolution on parades, flags and the past lies with our political leaders.