There are fears more people will fall into homelessness, with the number of HAP properties available to rent hitting a record low.
Just 27 homes were available through the Housing Assistance Payment, according to a Simon Communities survey of 16 areas across the country.
That figure is the lowest since its records began eight years ago.
The report found 901 properties were available to rent at any price within the 16 areas over three dates surveyed in September.
This is a 3.5% decrease from the 934 properties available in June, according to the new 'Locked Out of the Market' report.

Half of the 16 areas had no HAP properties available to rent in any household category.
These included Cork city centre and suburbs, Galway city suburbs, Limerick city centre and suburbs and Sligo Town.
Some 75% of properties available to rent at any price were located within the three Dublin areas studied.
Sligo had the lowest number of homes available to rent, with just three properties available over the three days, while Portlaoise had six properties available.
'A greater response'
Simon Communities Executive Director Wayne Stanley said the payment is crucial to avoid homelessness.
"It is getting harder and harder to find rental accommodation in Ireland," he said.
"It demands a greater response from Government, including in the first instance, an increase in the HAP rates.
"This is not a long-term or even a medium-term solution, but it would relieve pressure on those most vulnerable to homelessness."
Mr Stanley said local authorities need to increase the allocation of public housing in the medium-term.
"We all know that the answer to homelessness is more secure affordable homes," he said.
"The best way for Government to drive this change is to increase the targets for social housing to reflect the growing need and then ensure the funding and policy is in place to meet those targets," he added.