There was a slight drop in the number of people on the Live Register this month of 3,400 people. There were 382,800 people signing on this month when seasonal factors are taken into account.
That is a drop of over 37,461 people on the figure last year.
The Register showed a monthly decrease of 2,600 men in July, while women fell by 700 over the same period.
The number of long term claimants in July was 188,670.
More women are long-term unemployed
The number of men in this category dropped by 10,862 in the year to July, while women actually increased by 1,961.
This gives an overall annual decrease of 8,901 in the number of long term claimants.
The standardised unemployment rate for this month stands at 11.5% - down from 11.6% last month.
The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate from the most recent Quarterly National Household Survey (QNHS) was 12% in the first quarter of 2014.
But Michael McLoughlin of Youth Work Ireland is giving the latest figures a cautious welcome. He says the number of young people on the register is still unacceptably high: