
Numbers on the Live Register fell in August

The number of people signing on the Live Register fell by 2,000 over the last month. That is a...

15.25 5 Sep 2012

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Numbers on the Live Register f...

Numbers on the Live Register fell in August


15.25 5 Sep 2012

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The number of people signing on the Live Register fell by 2,000 over the last month.

That is according to seasonally adjusted figures from the Central Statistics Office (CSO).

It says there were over 434,000 people signing on.


Of these over 201,000 have been on the register for over a year.

The rate of unemployment remains unchanged from July at 14.7%.

On a seasonally adjusted basis the Live Register showed a monthly decrease of 600 males last month while females decreased by 1,300 in the same period.

Over the year the number of male claimants decreased by 3.4% to 286,625 and females claiming decreased by 1.9% to 169,631.

But they also show that the number of those long-term unemployed has risen to more than 200,000 people.

The unemployment rate remains one of the highest in Europe.

Jobs Minister Richard Bruton says dealing with this is going to take a long time.

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