
Numbers sleeping rough continues to rise

The survey by Dublin Region Homeless Executive has shown a steady increase of more than 50% since...

18.11 28 May 2013

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Numbers sleeping rough continu...

Numbers sleeping rough continues to rise


18.11 28 May 2013

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The survey by Dublin Region Homeless Executive has shown a steady increase of more than 50% since Spring 2011 in the number of people sleeping homeless.

People are only counted in these Dublin-based surveys if they are stationary or sleeping, meaning that the number homeless could be much higher as others might only sleep rough on a “sporadic basis”, stay in hostels, or else spend periods of the night walking.

The report states that due to the high numbers needing emergency bedding, Dublin City Council will need to "continue to operate [the Salvation Army centre] Cedar House post the cold weather period” until the need abates.


A variable not included is this survey is those attending breakfast services the following morning adding themselves to the count, something which has been included in previous surveys over the past six years and generally added 14 people to the list.

Out of the 94, 74 were male and 11 female, with 11 unknown. Half of those surveyed could be identified as Irish.

The highest number recorded sleeping rough in recent years was 111 in Spring 2008.

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