
1/3 of garda stations are staffed by just one garda

The Irish Examiner reports that 205 stations most of which are in small villages out of some 600 ...

08.11 19 Nov 2012

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1/3 of garda stations are staf...

1/3 of garda stations are staffed by just one garda


08.11 19 Nov 2012

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The Irish Examiner reports that 205 stations most of which are in small villages out of some 600 nationwide only have one garda.

It has raised the prospect of the closure of more stations next year.

New figures from the Deparpment of Justice show that over 200 garda stations are staffed by just one officer and another 40 are without any permanent Garda.


88 stations are staffed by just 2 officers.

The Irish Examiner says overall there are almost 13,500 members of the Gardai.

That represents a reduction of 6.6% or almost 1,000 people since 2008.

Falling staff levels

Staffing levels in a quarter of all 108 garda districts have fallen by 10% or more over the past 4 years mostly in the border counties.

Limerick has the highest garda presence whilst Kildare has the lowest.

The Garda Commissioner Martin Callinan will shortly submit his annual policing plan.

It is expected to recommend a number of stations for closure.

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